Sunday, November 15, 2009

The meaning of Lillyan

Lilly - Meaning of the Name and Flower:
Lilies have divine flower meaning of purity and motherhood. It gives Hope of everlasting life!
Lily is the flower of Hope!

How awesome is that? Lillyan Hope. What a meaning

Lilly started kicking a lot last weekend. I actually can feel her! It's an amazing feeling to know there is actually a growing baby in my belly ;) I never thought I would get a chance to feel something like that. God really is amazing and we are so blessed to be walking down an exciting journey together! We are ready to become parents to this precious little girl of ours.
I could never understand why parents would want to rush their kids to grow up and move out of the house, you can't take that for granted. It should be something you treasure for ever and you would think you want your kids at home as long as you can. We are treasuring ever moment we have and are praising God during this journey.
I day dream all the time wondering what she will look like. Will she have dark hair or blonde hair, bald or peach fuzz, will she be long or short, chunky or skinny, long fingers or short fingers. I know she will be beautiful and I can not wait to see her!

I go back to the OBGYN on 11/20 to hear her heart tone! I love to listen to her heart beat, it sounds so sweet!

More to come...

1 comment:

  1. will recognize her....when you first see will think..."well of course... there you look exactly like i thought you could not look any other way"...she will be as beautiful as her name...blessings...
