Tuesday, May 4, 2010

1 Month Check Up

Lilly did great and is growing so fast. She now weighs 7.14 and the dr laughed and said she is finally on the percentile chart :) YAY!

She is sleeping very well through the night. 7 hrs last night. I woke up to make sure she is still breathing. We will move her to her room this weekend. It will be so hard, but it's time.

Lilly is being dedicated this Sunday and on Mother's Day. What a special moment this will be. My parents are coming in and all our family will be there with us to share this excited time. We finally found a dress. It was hard to locate a newborn dress. But we found the perfect one.
I'll post pics after dedication :)

More to come.. need to feed my baby. She is growing so fast

1 comment:

  1. Happy Mothers Day Rachel ! What an exciting day Mothers Day will be....Love You Guys! Linda
