Thursday, October 29, 2009

Glucose Testing

I must say it wasn't that bad. I've heard such horror stories. The one I had tasted just like Hawaiian Fruit Punch. The lady made me drink it in 1 minute! I will never drink Fruit Punch again though. I felt so sick the rest of the day. Drained and headaches, I could barely eat.
But it's over. I didn't hear anything and I thought, Well they must have sent the results to the perinatal dr because they were so bad. My sister in law asked me today if I heard anything, so I just called the dr.
She told me that I passed!! Thank you Lord. Levels were 125 and anything over 155 is bad. I was so excited and happy that I didn't have to do the 3 hr. I really thought I would fail, considering I am insulin resistant and been taking metformin for 6 yrs. I guess I got it back to normal. Whew!! I was so happy to hear those words.

Tomorrow is the BIG day!! 17 week ultrasound and the perinatologist! I hope to hear the words "It's a boy or It's a girl" Please baby cooperate this time and don't be stubborn. You will have a small crowd of people just watching :)

More to come...


  1. Hi,
    I found your blog through My IVF alternative the other day. Your blogs have been very helpful to me and my husband and have encouraged us to contact Mag. We are only in our first couple of emails but we feel a lot of hope. And that hope feels SO GOOD!
    Thank you for posting your story and I plan to check back and see how your pregnancy goes!

    thank you,

  2. This is terrific news that you passed. Waiting to hear pink or blue.... Rachel you guys are in our prayers everyday. It is so very awesome to read about your FAITH. Hope its a Great One! Linda

  3. Hello Rachel & Russ...hope you are enjoying your "Baby Moon" :)... Aunt Lue is handling it @ the office..hehe..God bless you guys! Linda
