Sunday, July 12, 2009

Day 2 Embryo Status

Today we talked to Dr Marek on the phone. He said that we have 3 fertilized eggs (out of 5)! We are praising God right now! 1 egg didn't mature and 1 egg didn't fertilize. We are looking at it as God will allow what we need, nothing more and nothing less. They start the PGD testing tomorrow and we should know more information tomorrow afternoon. Here is the website just incase you wanted to know more about the testing.
We are taking it one day at a time :)

Today we went to the mall and to IKEA. The Czech people love their IKEA store. You even get a free bus ride over there.. haa :) Pretty neat. On the way back we stopped at KFC and got a couple sandwiches for dinner. You do a lot of walking and are so tired the next morning. We still aren't use to the time difference, but we should come back in better shape.

Tomorrow we may go get a couples massage to relax (after we hear from Dr Marek about our 3 little embryo's) and may go to a movie. There is a Tex Mex restaurant that we can't seem to find and Russ is determined to find it. :)

More to Come....


  1. Maybe they have trivia night at the Tex Mex place :) Good times ...

  2. Russ was in the Army ?? HeHe,,,Lacretia and I read your last 2 post together on the phone as they are DIY the living room floors, and she has had no computer access for a few days. Goodness, Girl...5...thats so very awesome! In Real Estate, it only takes one...same for you too right? God is so blessing you two! You are in my prayers everyday Kiddo! So Enjoy reading your posts, your Faith is AMAZING, and you have to know God is so pleased... Hope its A Great one! Luv ya! Linda & Lue

  3. What an awesome opportunity to praise God Rach and you two took full advantage!! It reminds me a little of when we were saving for our Jamaica mission trip. Remember how we had to put the plane tickets on our credit card (1252.00) and then we were thinking Kevin would get 1800.00 for coaching but it only ended up being 1300. You were the first one to say that God provided just what you needed Lacretia when I was so stressed and worried about where we were going to come up with the money. Of course God DID provide in amazing ways and it was a wonderful trip teaching our son about the great commission!! I prayed for you every day this weekend!! Love you both! Aunt Lue!

  4. Aww Rach!! Way to go!! I might be willing to take a couple of 2am feedings for three! ;)

  5. See there I told you Kelly would come around! I have added her to my master schedule list for 2AM feedings. :)Love Aunt Lue :)

  6. Thinking about you guys!!!

    Jessica (Venable)

  7. You two are amazing. I have been thinking of you each and every day and remembering you in my prayers. We love you very much.
    Claudia and Roy

  8. Phil and I are praying for you. We're praying for a Miracle. Three babies will be wonderful. One or two babies will be wonderful. I'm waiting on the news that you will get today. I turn the computer on frequently to get your news. Love to you
